Monday, January 31, 2011

Update 1/31/11

Update January 31st, 2011
Special Points of Interest:
One Book One School- The Miraculous Adventure of Edward Tulane
Friday Holmes School kicked off the "One School, One Book" program with an all-school assembly. Your child experienced lots of fun things, such as bunny clues and teacher’s reading mystery books, as it was revealed that the whole school would be reading The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo. Your family will be receiving a copy of the book at the upcoming parent conferences in order for you to participate in this exciting program.

Ms. Rose also will play the audio version for students to listen to during quiet reading time.

IAA Testing and ISAT Testing:
IAA Testing Dates February 21st- March 18th
ISAT Testing Dates February 28th – March 4th

Spring Training will all be done in the classroom with a few exceptions based on need.
The team will be doing in classroom coaching of staff.

Health Concerns
As the winter and “sick season” continues please let us know if your child has missed sleep, meals, or had other issues at home so that we can be prepared and adjust as needed.

On the Holmes School page.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Update January 21, 2011

Update January 21, 2011
Special Points of Interest:
The workshop on "1-2-3 Magic", Dr. Phelan, which was scheduled for this
Saturday, January 22nd has been cancelled.

IAA Testing and ISAT Testing:
IAA Testing Dates February 21st- March 18th
ISAT Testing Dates February 28th – March 4th

January Conferences are all scheduled except for one reschedule please email if you have further questions.

Spring Training will all be done in the classroom with a few exceptions based on need.
The team will be doing in classroom coaching of staff.

Patrick Schwarz Ph.D.
Has come into observe and has had some wonderful comments to make such as,
participation was being encouraged the entire time in the classroom”!
He is collaborating with our team on ways to continue to improve our program and grow in the future.

On the Holmes School page.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Ms. Rose will hold conferences for anyone who would like one in January to answer questions, review progress reports and report cards, and explain student's graphs.

Hope to see anyone who can make it, please CLICK HERE to sign up for a time that works for you. If you have trouble completing this form please email me at!

Hope everyone had a wonderful break.
Thanks for your continued support and collaboration!!!!!!